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A Changing Speed of Light?

Presentation Graphics

Feel free to use these graphics in presentations provided the attribution and copyright information remain intact.
Graph comparing Setterfield model and  pulsar timing

Graphical analysis of time dilation when the speed of light changes. The red lines represent the paths of photon wavecrests or pulses. The blue lines represent the space-time path of emitters and receivers. Photons emitted from the blue circles propate with time along the red curves to arrive at the receiver at a later time. See the text for details in interpretation. PDF

The speed of light as a function of time since Creation constructed from datapoints of the several models Setterfield has proposed over the years. The inset expands the scale for the recent times. PDF

The integral of the Setterfield's models for the speed of light, yielding the distance and corresponding emission time for a photon to arrive today. Setterfield D is missing from this plot due to interpolation errors. The horizontal black lines mark the time of the Earth's creation from isotope dating. PDF

The speed of light as a function of time since Creation constructed from datapoints of the several models Setterfield has proposed over the years. This includes a plot of Setterfield E, with Setterfield's constant 'k' assigned so that the time integral since creation will correspond to the age of the Universe, for this example, 14 billion years. The inset expands the scale for the recent times. PDF

The integral of the Setterfield's models for the speed of light, yielding the distance and corresponding emission time for a photon to arrive today. This plot includes the normalized form of Setterfield E. Setterfield D is missing from this plot due to interpolation errors. The horizontal black lines mark the time of the Earth's creation from isotope dating. PDF

Last Modified: Tue Nov 24 23:41:15 2009